When I Helped Volunteer In Ecuador

July 2, 2016Alicia

Earthquake April 16, 2016 7.8 Magnitude


Here’s how I was able to volunteer in Ecuador. After watching all those movies about apocalypse on the bus rides in Ecuador. It’s weird to think that there actually was an earthquake days later. Crazy fact there was a movie to be aired on Ecuador TV called Earthquake. But it was cut off by the news on the earthquake… It happened when we were eating at an Indian Restaurant in Cuenca. When all the sudden we felt the floor vibrate, and wall decorations began to sway. Then we heard ladies in the kitchen start to scream.



Literally minutes before the earthquake. Might I add the most delicious garlic naan bread ever!

I had seen at the park donation drop offs for the victims of the earthquake. I knew I wanted to help but I didn’t have much money. It just so happened that at the end of my trip, a friend asked me if I wanted to volunteer at the city hall with donations. It was on my last day but I still had the chance to help out.


volunteer Collage

I helped by sorting through bags of clothing then organized them by sizes, and put labels on the bags.

Lend a helping hand.

Volunteering can be a way to contribute without giving money. Time is valuable, and so are helping hands! One of the 6 basic human needs is contribution. We feel good when we are giving back to others. So whenever you have the opportunity to help out say yes! It can also be fun, and put a new perspective on life.


Have you volunteered after a natural disaster or volunteered for any reason? Please comment below.  I’d love to hear about your experiences.


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